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Reconstruction of sugar factories

Ingehim proposes to reconstruct the diffusion section of the sugar factory for increasing the feed capacity. The reconstruction consists in replacing the existing apparatus with a continuous diffusion pulsating extractor (DPA) of a capacity of 1 to 6 thousand tons per day. The characteristics of DPA are presented in more detail in the Presentation and the Article.

Schematic diagram of the reconstructed diffusion section of a sugar factory using DPA.
1 – diffusion pulsating apparatus (DPA); 2 – chips scalder; 3 – chips heater; 4 – pulse creation subsystem; 5 – pulp-press section; 6 – juice heater; 7 – destructed chips catcher; 8 – belt conveyor; 9 – juice accumulator


The fundamental difference of the proposed apparatus from a traditional mechanical (column, rotary, screw, etc.) apparatus lies in the original patented method of technological transportation of beet chips (cossettes) through the apparatus in the absence of energy-intensive transporting devices. The specified performance is provided by the design and dimensions of the apparatus, the parameters of the pulsation effect from the external pulse creation system. The increased efficiency is ensured by an increased degree of extraction of target components due to countercurrent and non-stationary conditions of diffusion and heat exchange processes, maximum use of the working volume of the apparatus, reduction of oxidative and bacteriological processes, low dependence on the length of chips and their structural state (putrefaction, freezing, etc.), an increase in the purity and lightness of the diffusion juice and other advantages.


Comparative characteristics of diffusion apparatuses processing 6 thousand tons of sugar beets per day

Parameter name

Diffusion apparatus type


Pulsating apparatus


Apparatus manufactured by BMA company


Rotary apparatus


Screw apparatus

Aparatus type column column rotary double screw
Positioning vertical vertical horizontal at inclination
Chips transportation method by pulsations mechanical mechanical mechanical
Internal transporting elements none hollow shaft, counter blades rotation of entire apparatus double screw, counter blades
Sugar beet capacity, ton/day 6000 6000 6000 6000
Characteristics of beet chips, m/100g 6-16 8-12 14-16 13-15
Additional breaking of chips during operation none significant insignificant significant
Volume utilization factor 0.9-0.95 0.65-0.7 0.4-0.45 0.55-0.6
Zone of contact with air none minimum maximum medium
Diffusion time, min 65-80 76-80 65-70 60-65
Diameter of working zone, m 6 8 6 8 – 9 (equival.)
Length of working zone, m 15 20 43.5 35

Overall dimensions, m




















Total power consumption, kW 90 120 175 320
Apparatus weight, ton 180 300 > 300 >300

The use of DPA will significantly reduce capital (from 30 to 50%), energy (from 1.3 to 3 times) and operating costs, production floor space and labor inputs, and will increase the energy efficiency and profitability of the diffusion section.

For a final assessment of the scale of reconstruction and possible economic effect, it is necessary to conduct a technology audit of the diffusion section of the sugar factory.