Energy audit
- Inspections of existing plants aimed at determining reserves for reducing energy consumptions
- Preparation of technical proposals on energy usage optimization
- Evaluation of yet-to-be-built units and plants
Works objectives
- Evaluation of the object’s actual status
- Search for reasons of losses of fuel and energy resources (if any) and evaluation of their actual magnitude
- Preparation of lists of actions on reduction of losses of fuel and energy resources
Energy Performance Certificate (regulated normative document containing actual and recommended values of energy efficiency and a list of actions on saving energy and increasing energy efficiency).
S.R.O. certificate for energy audit
Grounds for carrying out energy audits
- Federal law of the Russian Federation No. 261-FZ dated November 23, 2009, “On Saving Energy and Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”
- Certificate of registration of Ingehim granting permission for energy surveying works (issued by a Russian Nonprofit Partnership called: Self-Regulatory Organization in the field of energy survey “RusEnergoAudit”, No. 0023-2011-1655010900-E-064, dated March 30, 2011)
- Experts certified at Russia’s Interindustry Regional Center for Professional Advancement and Retraining for carrying out energy surveying works aimed at energy efficiency increasing and energy saving
- Reference-list
We will calculate our service fees after receiving from you through e-mail all requirement specifications.