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- Special routine assessment of working conditions in line with requirements of the Russian Federal Law No. 426 of 28.12.2013 has been carried out at Ingehim
- Pilot unit for extractive distillation
- Mastering of production of equipment for removal of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans from oil under the field conditions
- Block-modular unit for vacuum distillation of gas oil
- Pilot testing of separation elements for gas separators at LLC "Gazpromneft-Orenburg"
- Participation in the XI International Seminar on International Standardization in Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Industrial testing of the mobile pulsating unit
- New declarations and certificates of conformity with Technical Regulations of the Customs Union
- Initiation of works on declaring conformity with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union for gas and liquid filters as well as for a loader device
- Ingehim delivered a pilot plant for production of perfumery terpineol
- Ingehim delivered equipment to Kyrgyzstan
- Special assessment of working conditions in line with requirements of the Russian Federal Law No. 426 of 28.12.2013 has been carried out at Ingehim
- Delivery of separators for a vacuum generating system of the atmospheric vacuum distillation unit at “Oil Refinery” j.s.c. Brod, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Participation in the VII Annual International Symposium Euro-Eco-2013 "Environmental, Engineering-Economic and Legal Aspects for Sustainable Living" held on November 28-29, 2013 in Hanover, Germany
- Declaration of conformity with the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union 010/2011 was prepared and registered for internals of separation equipment
- Recertification of Ingehim hydraulic test stand has been completed
- Recertification of conformance of Ingehim quality management system to ISO 9001:2008 requirements was accomplished
- A presentation on the topic "Pervaporation membrane technologies in the production of absolute alcohol" was held in the central office of Ingehim in Kazan, Russia
- Absolute ethanol is produced by pervaporation
- Completed is reconstruction of deaerator at JSC "TGK-16" - "Kazanskaya TEC-3" (Kazan, Russia) through implementation of the Ingehim internals
- Ingehim hydraulic test stand has passed certification
- Ingehim received certificate granting permission to perform works as prime contractor
- Ingehim made shipments of its products to Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Ingehim employees received certificates for carrying out energy surveying works
- Results of experimental testing of pervaporation membranes were received from the Dutch company “Pervatech” (the Netherlands)
- Conformity of the Ingehim quality management system to the ISO 9001:2008 requirements has been confirmed
- Technical and economic assessment of a possibility of increasing capacity in production of isoprene and polyisoprene rubber at Togliattikauchuk LLC (Togliatti, Russia) was completed
- Ingehim received membership within the Russian Nonprofit Partnership called: Self-Regulatory Organization in the field of energy survey “RusEnergoAudit”
- Business meeting between Director of Ingehim and Director of Dutch company "Pervatech" occurred in Kazan, Russia
- Refresher training course on English language started at Ingehim for the Ingehim employees (taught by “ALIBRA SCHOOL”)
- Ingehim attended the Annual Roundtable Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, entitled "Refining and Petrochemicals in Russia and the CIS countries"