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Calculations of air, gas and liquid flows

Ingehim offers service in fluid flow calculations (air, gas or liquid) in vessels and apparatuses. To provide this service, we use modern license software package (Fluent). Our specialists gained vast hands-on experience through working at branch research and design institutes for extensive periods of time in the past, and in the recent past, they received training to use this specific software package. Now they hold all required certificates granting permission for performing computational works using Fluent.

Fluent uses non-structured grid (types of 3-D elements: hexahedrons, tetrahedrons, prisms, and pyramids) to discretize volume of apparatus. Grid adaptation on the numerical solution ensures high accuracy in the areas of high-gradients of the flow, e.g. in boundary layers.

Pathlines in Fluent

Pathlines in a gas separator

Numerous capabilities of the software package (Fluent) serve for achieving the most complete comprehension of fluid dynamics in vessels and apparatuses. Many effective turbulence models are included into Fluent: several versions of the k-epsilon and k-omega models, Reynolds stress model (RSM), LES model, DES model. Fluent’s database holds thermo-physical and physical and chemical properties of numerous gaseous, liquid and solid substances often encountered in chemical engineering. Graphical post-processor of the Fluent software allows visualization of contours, vector fields, isosurfaces, streamlines, particle trajectories and performing many other useful functions.

High qualification of our engineers combined with the state-of-the-art software package (Fluent) and modern computers allow us to bring right to your door our high quality service in calculating fluid flows (air, gas or liquid) in vessels and apparatuses. High reliability and accuracy of our calculations has been iteratively noticed by our partners through comparing results of our calculations versus experimental data.

If you choose us to provide you with our service in calculating fluid flows (air, gas or liquid), you will considerably reduce time and costs for performing designing works stemming from decreases in numbers of industrial tests, and also you will optimize the entire process of designing and manufacturing of your apparatuses.

We will calculate our service fees after receiving from you through e-mail a documentation package comprising of:

  • drawing of apparatus and description of its work
  • physical and chemical properties as well as flow rate of working medium
  • heat transfer specifics (when present)