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Inzhekhim Kazan
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Science-based products and technologies

Ingehim (the company name is short for “engineering chemistry” in the Russian language) was launched in 1991 as a small science-based company. The company has since seen significant growth to become a modern innovative enterprise with highly-skilled employees, modern computers, state-of-the-art license software packages for designing works, process, strength, fluid flow calculations, research laboratories, experimental test stands, manufacturing facilities which have allowed Ingehim to bring sets of new high-end technologies and useful products to life.

Experimental verification of developed engineering solutions is carried out using pilot units at our own research laboratory. The laboratory is also equipped with various types of industrial-scale experimental stands destined for studies and optimizations of different pieces of equipment for oil and gas applications. Study of mass transfer kinetics is accomplished in real environments using our in-house experimental units.

Quality of our products, today, does not lag behind quality of products developed and manufactured abroad. Time for delivery of our products to the Russian enterprises is quicker compared to that of foreign companies having branch offices in the Russian Federation. Most of our engineering ideas are patented.

Evolution of Ingehim continues on and on. With extension of product assortment, manufacturing facilities of Ingehim are constantly improving along with professional skills of engineers of our center.

Quality management system is implemented at Ingehim, meeting the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The company employees are certified by Russia’s Rostekhnadzor for design and manufacturing of equipment for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, oil and gas industries. Declarations of conformity with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union were granted to all of our products.

Today, Ingehim is a modern multibusiness company. We specialize in providing services in developing “turn-key” solutions for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, oil and gas industries. In addition, Ingehim develops units for training chemical engineering students at universities as well as experimental and pilot units. Besides, we have developed engineering solutions for processing very heavy crude oil. Presently, Ingehim masters manufacturing of such units.